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- D A R K D U N G E O N
- Program and Text by Robert Pellegrino
- Welcome to the DARK DUNGEON that's located in the catacombs beneath the
- magnificent LOADSTAR Tower. Here, one to four players become intrepid
- adventurers who must search for treasure, gain experience points, and try
- to defeat the evil creatures that lurk in its 56 chambers. The goal is to
- become the first player to reach the 4000 Victory point total and exit the
- dungeon in one piece.
- NOTE: DARK DUNGEON runs in 40 columns only.
- -------------
- After a chance to read some instructions, you are asked to enter the
- number of players and their names. Then a random dungeon is created. Every
- time you play the game it has a new dungeon so you can enjoy playing again
- and again. Each player starts with 1000 Health points, 3 Strength points
- and 0 Experience points.
- ------------------
- The screen is divided into three sections. The top section indicates
- what, if anything is found in this particular dungeon room, along with your
- name, the room you're currently in, and the direction you came from.
- The middle section gives you an ACTION list, something like
- Inside the parentheses are the directions you can go from this room. The
- rest of the ACTION list stands for the following:
- D Drink
- U Unlock
- P Pick up treasure
- T Totals (your score at present)
- M Map
- AP Attack Player
- X eXit from the dungeon (only from the exit room at 7 8)
- Q Quit (to BASIC or LOADSTAR 128 if there's a LOADSTAR disk in the
- current drive)
- H Help (the short help screens seen at the beginning of the program).
- The room numbers are in ROW, COLUMN order. HALLWAY 2 5 means that you
- are in a hallway at row 2, column 5 on the map.
- The bottom section of the screen shows the player's status, as well as
- any treasures, spells or weapons he possesses.
- Enter N, E, W or S to move north, east, west or south to another
- location. Moving takes one turn, and players take turns moving. You can
- simply press RETURN (with no key entry) to do nothing (pass).
- ---------
- When the top section says TREASURE (in reverse) you can pick up that
- treasure with P. All rooms can hold up to four treasures. Picking up takes
- one turn. There are five types of treasure:
- Potion 50 points
- Silver 100 points
- Gold 200 points
- Magic Sword 300 points
- Diamonds 500 points
- Some treasures may be booby-trapped. There are also two SPELLS that you
- can pick up. When you pick up a treasure its initial will be added to the
- "string" of your treasures listed at the bottom of the screen, and 10
- Experience points are added to your total.
- -----------------
- A potion is a special treasure. Once you possess it you can keep it for
- 50 points or drink it to gain more Strength. If you drink it you lose the
- 50 points and it disappears from your Treasure list.
- The Magic Sword adds 1 to your attack force (more on this later) as
- long as you have at least one in your possession.
- Spells do not count for points. You may only use a spell from a hallway
- or a dead monster room. You may accumulate spells until you are ready to
- use them. Using a spell takes one turn.
- LIGHTNING spells are to be used against another player. To use the
- spell, enter LIT. Then enter the name of the player you wish to cast the
- spell on. That player will drop four of his treasures, which will be
- transported to your room, where you can pick them up. A room can only hold
- four treasures so if your room contains two treasures when you cast the
- spell, then your opponent will only drop two of his. LIGHTNING spells are
- notoriously hard to aim and they often backfire and hit YOU instead.
- TELEPORT spells transport you immediately to another location. To use a
- TELEPORT spell enter TEL and the the row and column of your destination.
- Enter them as one number with no punctuation or spaces. To TELEPORT to row
- 2, column 5, enter 25. You may not transport directly to the exit chamber,
- 78.
- If an item you pick up is booby-trapped, you lose one to four turns.
- -------
- You may look at the map at any time without losing a turn. Enter M to
- see the map. The 56 areas will be drawn on the screen with your location
- and the locations of the other players indicated. Locked rooms, dead
- monsters, explored areas and unexplored areas are also shown.
- Some hallways will be locked (they'll be purple on the map) and you
- will automatically retreat from them into the room you were in. A locked
- hallway may contain treasure. To unlock a room, enter U then enter the room
- number in RowColumn format, as you did for TELEPORT. It costs you 50 Health
- points and takes one turn. Once a room is unlocked, it stays unlocked.
- A few rooms in the dungeon have hidden tunnels in them. Entering a
- tunnel room will slide you to a random room in the dungeon.
- ---------------------
- If you move into a chamber (red border) your turn will continue. Each
- chamber in the dungeon has one monster and a number of treasures in it.
- When you move into the room you have a new set of ACTION options:
- AM Attack Monster
- AP Attack Player
- R Retreat
- P Pick up
- D Drink potion
- M Map
- You cannot move through a chamber unless the monster in that chamber is
- dead. You can Retreat if you like and it will take you back to the room
- from which you came, except:
- Retreating directly after TELeporting will take you to a random room;
- Retreating from the Entrance will take you to a random room;
- Retreating directly after a Tunnel will take you to a random room.
- Each monster has its own characteristics. A Faery is easier to kill
- than a Dragon, but if you kill a Dragon you get more Experience points.
- Monsters in the northern part of the dungeon are easier to kill than those
- in the south, but the ones in the south are usually guarding more
- treasures. When you move into a chamber, the border turns red and the
- chamber, type of monster and its kill total are shown in the middle
- section.
- ---------
- Certain factors influence the force of attack against your opponents.
- Your Strength is directly related to the force. If you drink a potion and
- it's a Strength potion, your Strength will increase by 2 and your Health by
- 60. If it's a poison potion, your Strength will drop by 1 and you Health by
- 25. All potions eventually wear off and after a certain number of turns
- your Strength will return to the starting value of 3.
- Potions are cumulative; drinking two Strength potions in a row will
- increase your Strength by 4.
- If you have a Magic Sword, your attack force is increased by 1.
- To attack a monster, enter AM. If your force is greater than the
- monster's, you will defeat him and gain whatever Experience points the
- monster is worth. If you lose the battle (your number is equal to or lower
- than the monster's) you lose 1 Strength point temporarily and your Health
- is reduced, according to the power of the monster. Your shield power, which
- increases with experiance, may deflect some of the hits.
- If your Strength goes below 1, you are too weak to pick up any
- treasures. If you Strength drops to 0, you die and all your treasures are
- randomly scattered around the dungeon.
- You may NOT cast spells in a red chamber. You may try to steal a
- treasure from a monster, drink a potion or even attack another player in a
- monster's chamber, but there's a chance that you or any other player with
- you may be attacked by the monster.
- In order for you to attack another player, he must be in the same room
- with you. You must beat a player's force total by MORE THAN ONE to win the
- battle. If you tie or only beat him by 1, it's a Stalemate. If you win,
- your opponent drops two treasures and retreats, while you get another turn.
- The losing player takes hits equal to 30% of your Experience points, minus
- his shield value. If you initiate an attack and lose, you drop one
- treasure, retreat and take hits equal to 30% of your opponent's Experience
- points, and your turn is over. If the room where the attack takes place
- already has four treasures, then none will be dropped.
- -------
- If you enter T from a hallway or a room with a dead monster in it, your
- score will be totalled. This does not take a turn. You score is equal to
- your Treasure points plus Experience points. If your score is 4000 or more,
- you may exit the dungeon.
- The exit chamber is at room 8,7 on the map (bottom right corner). You
- may not exit if the monster is still alive. To exit enter X. If your score
- is 4000 or more, you win. Then the other players' scores are calculated and
- shown.
- At that point you can play another game or exit to LOADSTAR 128.
- \\\\\ R - Run RETURN - Menu \\\\\